Young Adult Ministry

St. Hedwig's Young Adult Ministry serves Catholics between the ages of 18 and 36. 

We are one of the most active young adult communities in the Diocese of Orange, and we regularly meet throughout the year for Bible studies, book clubs, Rosary, and socials.

Scroll down for our schedule of events.


Phone: (562) 296-9041



    • On Mondays, we pray the Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary in devotion to Our Lady!
    • We gather together in the Faith Cave at 7pm, join us as we offer our intentions to God's own Mother pleading for her most powerful intercession. 

    Join our GroupMe chat for the Zoom link. Email to join.

    • Every Thursday we have a Bible Study in the Faith Cave at 6:30pm
    • Starting January 2025 until June 2025, we will read all 4 Gospels to grow closer to Our Lord and to better understand His life, death, and resurrection

    Join our GroupMe chat for the most up-to-date goings on. Email to join.

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Dear young people, like the first disciples, follow Jesus! Do not be afraid to draw near to him, to cross the threshold of his dwelling, to speak with him, face to face, as you talk with a friend. Do not be afraid of the "new life" he is offering. He himself makes it possible for you to receive that life and practice it, with the help of his grace and the gift of his Spirit.

- Pope St. John Paul II