Serve God and our parish by getting involved in one of our many ministries and non-profit organizations that we support. Saint Hedwig School families will also earn service hours.
Ministries at Saint Hedwig
Ministries at Saint Hedwig
Serve God and our parish by getting involved in one of our many ministries and non-profit organizations that we support. Saint Hedwig School families will also earn service hours.
Altar Serving
A youth in the fourth grade or above who desires to be an Altar Server must have received their first communion and be receiving communion on a regular basis. In addition, the youth must be able to commit to the following:
Baptism Ministry
The Baptism Ministry currently consists of two married couples. The coordinators serve the parish community by facilitating preparation classes for the parents of children to be baptized. These classes are held once a month and they prepare the parents with knowledge of the sacrament to enable them to foster growth in their own faith and that of their children.
On the day of the infant baptism, the coordinators serve as host/hostess for the baptism. They prepare the church for the celebration with the necessary items required for the baptism. They greet the families and friends as they arrive, seat them in their assigned place in the church and answer any questions or concerns they might have regarding the ceremony. The coordinators are also there to assist the priest or deacon as needed during the ceremony.
Jesus said, "Go therefore and make disciples of all men, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.".
Bereavement Ministry
This ministry comforts the bereaved survivors and offers assistance at the time of death in coordination with a priest. This ministry also assists the family in planning the funeral liturgy with music, readings, and other requests of the family.
St. Hedwig wishes to accompany those who are grieving and to show the Light of Jesus Christ Risen to those whose hearts are broken. The parish embraces those who are mourning and gives direction for ceremonies to thank God for the deceased’s life and to hold family and friends close in prayer.
Please feel free to contact Parish Office for any questions on funerals or preparations.
Parish Office
Phone: (562) 296-9010
Bible Study
New Bible Study begins Thursday, September 19, 2024
Sessions are Thursdays:
9:30 AM - 11:30 AM and
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Bible study is held In the Church. All are welcome. Class is free - required book is $25.00.
Last day to order your book via St. Hedwig is August 23rd!
Bring your Catholic Bible! Use either the Revised Standard Version/Catholic Edition (RSVCE) or the New American Bible (NAB) and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. The Catechism is available online as well.
Registration is required. Workbook (Emmaus Road, Come and See - 1 and 2 Corinthians) . The Workbook is only required if one wants to join the Bible Study and participate in a sharing group. You are able to join any time during the Bible Study year, however, after August 23rd you will be responsible for providing your own copy of the book. If you are purchasing the book, please still register using the link below.
No prior Bible Study experience necessary.
St. Hedwig Bible Study Begins the 47th year on September 19th, 2024 with the Emmaus Road Publishing: Come and See” program: I and II Corinthians. Paul brought the Gospel to Corinth and planted a church in this wealthy cosmopolitan city located on a busy trade route in Greece. The church falls into crisis, consumed by many vices and plagued by scandals. Paul, now in Ephesus, strives to correct the Corinthians in writing.
The workbook we are using covers all 22 weeks with the student reading the designated chapters and verses of I and II Corinthians and answering questions specific to these chapters/verses. The chapter commentaries are composed with clarity and helps to prepare us for the questions listed. There are 20 questions per lesson focusing in on each of the chapters in I and II Corinthians and verses. Along with the Biblical questions dealing with designated verse[s] we also read specific Catechism references.
The Come and See videos present material that expands upon the text of Corinthians I and II an provides important background information. Each presentation contains artwork, maps, and photographs that are not available in the workbooks. These images bring the commentary to life and enhance the students 'understanding and appreciation for the lesson. In addition to these features, the authors themselves give valuable commentary and insights.
Please fill out the following form and see details for this year's book (1 and 2 Corinthians).
Wayne Comeau
Children's Liturgy of the Word
Children’s Liturgy of the Word provides children with an age-appropriate proclamation of God’s Word. It is offered during the 10 AM Sunday Mass. Before Mass readings the children are invited up to be blessed and dismissed to the prayer room for their own Liturgy of the Word. They rejoin their families in Mass for the Liturgy of the Eucharist.
Vicky Hammond
Contemplative Prayer Group
The Contemplative Prayer Group meets on the third Saturday of each month, after the 8:30 Mass in the Church Prayer Room. We begin with a brief reflection on a passage of Scripture or spiritual reading, then spend 20 minutes in quiet prayer together. This is followed by a time of sharing, when participants are invited to share any insights given during the prayer time.
Joanne Walsh
Phone: (562) 443- 8605
Day of Service
Day of Service is a ministry that organizes parishioners into the communal action of serving those in need. Various activities are planned throughout the year. We encourage parishioners and families to participate. Activities are listed in the bulletin as they are organized.
If you would like to assist with the planning of events or have ideas for the parish to participate in, please contact Alice Baldwin.
Contact: Alice Baldwin
Phone: (562) 936-1480
Ubi caritas, et amor Deus ibi est.
Where true charity is, God is there.
Eucharistic Adoration
"I adore You, Lord and Creator, hidden in the Most Blessed Sacrament. I adore You for all the works of Your hands, that reveal to me so much wisdom, goodness and mercy, O Lord. You have spread so much beauty over the earth and it tells me about Your beauty, even though these beautiful things are but a faint reflection of You, incomprehensible Beauty. And although You have hidden Yourself and concealed your beauty, my eye, enlightened by faith, reaches You and my soul recognizes its Creator, its Highest Good, and my heart is completely immersed in prayer of adoration." St. Faustina.
Adoration at St. Hedwig:
Monday, Friday, Saturdays - 6 PM-9 PM
Wednesday - All Night Adoration after 5:30 PM Mass until 8:30 AM next day.
Every 16th of the month - 24 hour adoration
Sign up for Adoration Here
For Adoration after 9 PM, please sign up on link above and request the code.
Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion
It is a great privilege to distribute the Body and Blood of Christ to the members of the congregation. These ministers are lay persons authorized by the Church to assist priests and deacons in distributing the Body and Blood of Christ at weekend Masses and other times Mass is celebrated. They may also serve as extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion to the Sick and Homebound, share the Sacrament with members of the community unable to come to church due to infirmity or illness.
We invite you to experience the joy that develops from bringing Sunday Communion to the home-bound members of our parish. The routine includes a short Communion service, the distribution of the Eucharist and the closing thanksgiving prayer.
The Eucharistic Minister could be the only visitor the sick may receive. This is a very challenging and rewarding ministry!
EMHC (Mass) - Connie Jarvis (562-743-9706
EMHC (Alamitos West, Katella Manor and Sunrise Senior Living) - Helene Calvet
EMHC (Brookdale & Garden Grove) - Robert Safreed
EMHC (Homebound) - Donna Smith
EMHC (Los Alamitos Hospital) - Donna Eagar
Rosalia Mattern (714) 337-2270
Hospitality (Ushers & Greeters)
Ushers and greeters are people chosen to reflect the warmth and welcome of Christ himself.
Always conscious of Christ’s words "For I was…a stranger and you welcomed me," (Matthew 25:35) the usher/greeter serves not only as a Minister of Hospitality, but also as a Liturgical
Minister and a Minister of Evangelism.
We are looking for Ushers & Greeters, please contact us if you are interested.
Contact: Pat Murach
Email: hospitalityministr;
Lectors proclaim the Word of God to the parish assembly during the Liturgy of the Mass. Lectors are responsible for the 1st and 2nd readings from Scripture and on occasion, the Responsorial Psalm prior to the Gospel.
Contact Co-Leads:
Cathy Hoover
Kathy Hoenisch
Legion of Mary
A new Legion of Mary has been formed at St. Hedwig and you are welcome to join.
The Legion of Mary is the largest apostolic organization of lay people in the Catholic Church. It has been active in the United States since 1931. The main purpose of the Legion of Mary is to give glory to God through the sanctification of its members.
Do you want to learn more about your Catholic Faith, enrich your prayer life, grow closer to Jesus and His Mother, and answer Our Lord's call to share our Faith?
Then come to the Legion of Mary meeting and see. We meet every Sunday at 11:30 AM in the Parish Lounge, located between Quinn Hall and the Church.
Monica Mariano (President)
Phone: (617) 803-7882
Ann Butterbaugh (Secretary)
Phone: (562) 252-2829
Diane Gilkenson (Treasurer)
Phone: (562) 481-1091
Life in the Spirit
Charismatic Prayer Group
The Life in the Spirit Charismatic Prayer Group meets in the Prayer Room adjacent to the Sanctuary every Tuesday morning 9:30 AM - 11:00 AM. You are cordially invited. Come and experience the Holy Spirit with His healing and peace.
Join us also on the second Sunday of the Month in the Family Room for individual prayer.
Margi Dua Munoz
Phone: 562-279-3342
Music Ministry
St. Hedwig Adult Choir – Confirmed Teens and Adults
Director Audra Meyerhofer
Rehearsals: Tuesday, 7:30-9 PM in Sanctuary
Performs weekly at 10 AM Mass, Sept – June
St. Hedwig Youth Band – High-School Aged Teens
Director Chelsea Rabanal
Set-up and Rehearsals: 3:00 PM day of performance
Performs once a month on Sunday, 5 PM Youth Band Mass
St. Hedwig Children’s Choir - Ages 7-14
Rehearsals: Wednesday, 3 PM - 4 PM in Sanctuary.
Performs once a month on Sunday, 12 PM Mass
We are blessed with a mixture of professional and volunteer Music Ministers! If you have a musical gift and would like to serve at Mass please contact our Music Director.
Audra Meyerhofer
Respect Life
Respect Life is a fundamental initiative within the Catholic Church that emphasizes the inherent dignity and value of every human life from conception to natural death. Rooted in the teachings of Christ, the Respect Life program encourages Catholics to understand, cherish, and advocate for the sanctity of life at all stages. Through prayer, education, and action, St. Hedwig church seeks to build a culture of life that respects and protects the most vulnerable among us. This initiative is supported by various resources, designed to help us engage their communities in promoting and upholding the sacredness of human life.
"Before I
formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born, I dedicated you, a
prophet to the nations I appointed you."
Jeremiah 1:5
Rosary For Life 2024 in the Church
Sunday, August 25, 2024, 1:15 PM
Sunday, September 29, 2024, 1:15 PM
Sunday, October 27, 2024, 1:15 PM
Sunday, November 24, 2024, 1:15 PM
Sunday, December 29, 2024, 1:15 PM
For More Information visit our webpage
Blessings of Parents after a Miscarriage or Stillbirth
Contact: Parish Office
Phone: (562) 296 - 9000
Email: respect
Spiritual Book Club
The group meets in the Prayer Room on the second Wednesday of the month (unless noted in the schedule) January - June, September - December. Each person is responsible for purchasing their own book.
You are welcome to join us!
2025 Book List and Meeting Schedule
Contact: Cathy Hoover
Phone: 562 688-1922
St. Francis Guild
Mission Statement: We, the
members of Saint Francis Guild, are committed to provide spiritual, charitable,
and social support to our members, our parish, our community, and others in
need of our support.
The St. Francis Guild Ladies group meets on the fourth Thursday of each month from September through May (specific weeks of the month may vary). Each month our meetings are held at a different member's home or in the church lounge. Social/meetings are held either in the afternoon or evening each month. Our meeting consists of prayer, fellowship, speakers, charity, projects, shared treats, and mini retreat during lent season. Information as to date and location of each meeting is in the Sunday Church bulletin. Membership is open to all women who are parishioners of St. Hedwig's Catholic Church.
Contacts: Sue Goldberg
Phone: (562) 243-7199
Contact: Jan Evans
Phone: (714) 397-1358
That Man is You
Spring 2025: January 31 - May 9 (No meeting on Good Friday, April 18).
That Man Is You! is a free interactive men's program focused on the development of men in the modern world. It combines the best research from science with the teachings of the Catholic faith and the wisdom of the saints to develop the vision of authentic men capable of transforming themselves, their families, and greater society.
Optional Registration Fee: $50.00 (donation to St. Hedwig. Checks can be made to St. Hedwig Catholic Church).
Every Friday 6:00 AM - 7:15 AM in Quinn Hall (Doors open at 5:45 AM)
Coffee, breakfast food and fellowship.
Learn more about TMIY here.
Deacon Henry Eagar
Phone: (562) 262-9028
Parish Groups
Serve our Lord with others by joining one or more of the groups that meet here at Saint Hedwig's. Visit our