“Blessed are you who are now hungry, for you will be satisfied.” – Luke 6:21

The Pastoral Service Appeal, or PSA, is an invitation for us to come together in gratitude for the gifts God has provided, to share those gifts in service of a greater calling, and to take advantage of our opportunity to create a brighter future for our faith.

2025  Diocesan Parish Goal: $250,000

Your support not only strengthens Saint Hedwig but also helps build up God’s kingdom by supporting our greater Catholic community. 

Once our parish reaches its $123,000 diocesan parish goal, every dollar beyond that goes directly to the St. Hedwig Church Building Fund allowing us to renovate and improve our campus.

The 2025 Pastoral Services Appeal will provide:

  • Retirement income for 48 retired diocesan priests.
  • Formation for 19 seminarians, vocations, and ongoing education for our priests and deacons.
  • Support services to more than 615,000 families and individuals through Catholic Charities.
  • Education and learning support to over 17,000 students through our Catholic Schools.
  • Diocesan-run Ministries: Catholic Deaf Community, Restorative Justice and Detention Ministries, and parishes in need.
  • It is also a great way to support our parish because 100% of funds raised above our goal are returned to the parish building.

If you are ready to give now or make a pledge, please click hERE

Every gift matters! Here's how to give:

Online: Visit rcbo.org/psa-give-now/ to donate now or make a pledge.

By Mail: Pick up an envelope from the church pew or parish office and make checks payable to "RCBO" or "Diocese of Orange."

In Person: Drop off your donation at the parish office.

Any donation in any amount helps us get closer to reaching our parish goal. Pledges can be paid monthly in 10 payments, quarterly, or you can make a one-time gift. 

For help in making a pledge either through the in-pew cards or through the website, please contact the Parish Office at (562) 296-9000.

Thank you to our 2025 PSA Donors

Thank you for your generosity and for being a vital part of our St. Hedwig family!

PSA 2025 Contributions as of 3/24/2025

Goal: $250,000

Funds Raised: $101,284

Funds Received: $98,672

Total Donors: 238

  • Anne Walsh

    Arlene Cruz

    Carol Meckler

    Carolyn Vance

    Dave & Mary Lea Chamberlain

    David Silva

    Dennis & Janet Hadeen

    Dennis & Edith Grover

    Diane Duacsek

    Estela Reynolds

    Frederick & Annette Chiodo

    Gerard Dampf

    Heinrich Dett

    Jaime & Lisa Hernandez

    John Kaplan

    John Lopez

    John Nichols

    Kenneth & Suzanne Green

    Kenneth & Nannette Nakada

    Lily Phalen

    Mary Ann Escalante Nasser

    Merle Monzon

    Michael and Beryl Henry

    Michael & Denise Bergstrom

    Michael Rubio

    Patricia Perez

    Phillip & Denise Zasadny

    Randolph & Ligia Johnstone

    Rosaura Schilb

    Rose Marie Angiuli

    Sandy Rogers

    Sharon Centino

    Thomas & Kaleen Kelly

    Thomas & Luciann Maulhardt

    Tom & Donna Smith

    Tommy & Mary Goodwin

    Walter & Joan Horne

  • Abelardo & Rachel Martinez

    Arnold & Marilyn Cicerone

    Bernard Brady

    Carmine Mitri

    Corina Madinya

    David & Peggy McEachen

    Glenn Farfel

    Heather Thornsburg

    Hyo Sun Kim

    Irv T. Cuevas

    Jamar Tolentino

    Janice Evans

    Jim & Cathy Fagen

    Joe & Diana DiPrima

    Joe & Anne Soldano

    John & Theresa Rocco

    John & Donna Weiler

    Joseph & Michelle Horejsi

    Joseph & Eulalee Siler

    Judith A. Fettig

    Justino Jimenez

    Kathleen Hogan

    Kathleen Johnson

    Kathleen Walker

    Mark & Lori DeLellis

    Marsha Wilson

    Marshall & Rita Wayland

    Mary Ellen Baker

    Mary Gatti

    Patricia Peterson

    Patrick & Christina Simpson

    Phillip Fife

    Piper Brucculeri

    Sheryl Mallon

    Susana Julian

    Sylvia Olson

    Thomas & Lind aBoswell

    Valerie Klein

    Walter & Alexa Crosby

  • Aaron Adkinson

    Alison Snyder

    Andy & Elizabeth Jones

    Angelico & Aida Cruz

    Anne Killian

    Carolyn Luong

    David & Linda Milligan

    Diane Gilkenson

    Douglas & Joni Best

    Gregory & Terri Canfield

    Jeff & Michelle Ponce

    Jim & Stella Derry

    Jim & Barbara Ghormley

    Joel Barrera

    John & Lisa Savage

    John & Sherrie Torii

    Jon & Donna La Chance

    Lawrence & Cynthia Hurst

    Linda Wolfe

    Maria Byerly

    Marie Nessley

    Marilyn Palacol

    Mark & Janet Anderson

    Michael & Maureen Wauters

    Mike & Lupe DeLeon

    Molly Enjem

    Myrna Baker

    Nancy Gonzales

    Patricia R. Blum

    Ralph & Imelda Preciado

    Robert & Noreen Curry

    Robert & Dana Deere

    Robert Regina Poyar

    Scott & Karen Bomwell

    Scott & Geri Hultner

    Therese Shoop

    Thomas & Krista Hall

    Tom & Cathy Bergeron

    Vera Sample

    Yolanda Booker

  • Barbara Rosenberger

    Barbara Thornton

    Bill Moncure

    Bruce & Esther Murphy

    Carmen Castillo

    David & Helen Whitney

    Debbie Eggers

    Dirk & Connie Jarvis

    Edward H. Luong

    Francis Espeleta

    George Beneck

    Gerry & Jan Layton

    Greg & Betty Patchen

    Jaime Perez

    James A. Sampley

    James & Roselle Leonetti

    Janet Hayes

    John Gibson

    John & Jamie Krakowski

    John & Doris O'Keeffe

    Joseph Napolitano

    Linda Woosley

    Lynda Roberts

    Marcos & Joyce Elizondo

    Mario & Alma Bordenave

    MaryAnne Vanderlinden

    Melissa Granda

    Monica Pedroza

    Monty Arrossa

    Olga Motz

    Oscar Perez

    Paul & Mary Ikuta

    Peggy Kavavanich

    Randy Nguyen

    Ricardo Ortiz

    Richard Cavallaro

    Robert & Ceci Cheng

    Robert & Gwendolyn Murphy

    Robert & Phebe Sauceda

    Robert & Yolanda Vargas

    Roberta M. Straley

    Ronald & Peggy Viloria

    Ruben & Diana Perez

    Sandra Stockalper

    Sandy Turner

    Steven Sexton

    Susan Goldberg

    Thomas & Dagmar McGinley

    Tom & Lina LoBasso

    Virginia Hough

    Wilbur & Mary Bolton

    Yen Phan

  • Alan Lingasin

    Alison Salcedo

    Anne Graham

    Antonio Velasco

    Arlene Dolorico

    Brian & Cathy Brady

    Brian & Julie Foy

    Carl & Andrea Siersma

    Connie Mizuha

    Cynthia Ramirez

    Eino Yost

    Eugenie Young

    Frank Nunes

    Frank Quinonez

    Garrett Young

    Gerasimo Luna

    James & Rosa Contreras

    Janie Sullivan Van Fleet

    John & Victoria Dynice

    Jose & Kimberly Soto

    Joseph Anselmi

    Julienne Carandang

    Juliet Evans

    Kara Flynn

    Katrina Tweed

    Kyle Santos

    Marie Delgado

    Mary A. Caputi

    Matias Alvarez

    Matthew Born

    Matthew & Victoria Hammond

    Mia De Rama

    Mia Saldana

    Michael Nagata

    Mike & Angela Stewart

    Richard & Jean Caldwell

    Ruby Flores

    Shirley Tai

    Stephen & Sonia Ruszak

    Theresa Santoro

    Timothy Duncan

    Timothy & Wilma Labuda

    Virginia Swendson

    David & Sue Wilantt

    William & Majella Maas

  • Anny Montgomery

    Bradley Yamamoto

    Carolyn Kistner

    Corinne Feldman

    Daniel Miranda

    Cynthia Wokal

    James & Tina Gober

    James & Debbie Sampley

    John & Yvonne McGee

    Jonathan & Jennifer Crans

    Kathleen Hoenisch

    Kelly Huynh

    Leslie Patam

    Linda Nguyen

    Maria Figueroa

    Maria Lirio F. Miranda

    Mary Ann Pollaro

    Michael DeMartino

    Patrick Breslin

    Ramon Barragan

    Rosaly Hernandez

    Scott & Maria Melendres

    Todd & Rosalia Mattern

    William & Maria Elena McNulty

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